GHS Classification Result


Item Information
CAS RN 5873-54-1
Chemical Name 2,4'-Diphenylmethane diisocyanate
Substance ID 25A0035
Classification year (FY) FY2013
Ministry who conducted the classification Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW)/Ministry of the Environment (MOE)
New/Revised New
Classification result in other fiscal year  
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Item Information
Guidance used for the classification (External link) GHS Classification Guidance by the Japanese Government (July, 2013)
UN GHS document (External link) UN GHS document
Definitions/Abbreviations (Excel file) Definitions/Abbreviations
Model Label by MHLW (External link) MHLW Website (in Japanese Only)
Model SDS by MHLW (External link) MHLW Website (in Japanese Only)
OECD/eChemPortal (External link) eChemPortal

Hazard class Classification Pictogram
Signal word
Hazard statement
Precautionary statement
Rationale for the classification
1 Explosives Not applicable
- - There are no chemical groups associated with explosive properties present in the molecule.
2 Flammable gases (including chemically unstable gases) Not applicable
- - Solid (GHS definition)
3 Aerosols Not applicable
- - Not aerosol products.
4 Oxidizing gases Not applicable
- - Solid (GHS definition)
5 Gases under pressure Not applicable
- - Solid (GHS definition)
6 Flammable liquids Not applicable
- - Solid (GHS definition)
7 Flammable solid Classification not possible
- - No data available.
8 Self-reactive substances and mixtures Not applicable
- - There are no chemical groups present in the molecule associated with explosive or self-reactive properties.
9 Pyrophoric liquids Not applicable
- - Solid (GHS definition)
10 Pyrophoric solids Not classified
- - It is estimated that it does not ignite at normal temperatures from an autoignition temperature of > 550 deg C (GESTIS (Access on October 2013)).
11 Self-heating substances and mixtures Classification not possible
- - Test methods applicable to solid (melting point <= 140 deg C) substances are not available.
12 Substances and mixtures which, in contact with water, emit flammable gases Not applicable
- - The chemical structure of the substance does not contain metals or metalloids (B, Si, P, Ge, As, Se, Sn, Sb, Te, Bi, Po, At).
13 Oxidizing liquids Not applicable
- - Solid (GHS definition)
14 Oxidizing solids Not applicable
- - The substance is an organic compound containing oxygen (but not fluorine or chlorine) which is chemically bonded only to carbon or hydrogen.
15 Organic peroxides Not applicable
- - Organic compounds containing no bivalent -O-O- structure in the molecule.
16 Corrosive to metals Classification not possible
- - It is a solid with a melting point of 55 deg C or lower, but the classification is not possible due to no data.

Hazard class Classification Pictogram
Signal word
Hazard statement
Precautionary statement
Rationale for the classification
1 Acute toxicity (Oral) Classification not possible
- - Classification not possible due to lack of data. Besides, there is a report on an LD50 value for rats of 31,600 mg/kg for the isomer mixture (CICAD 27 (2000)).
1 Acute toxicity (Dermal) Classification not possible
- - Classification not possible due to lack of data.
1 Acute toxicity (Inhalation: Gases) Not applicable
- - Solid (GHS definition)
1 Acute toxicity (Inhalation: Vapours) Not applicable
- - Solid (GHS definition)
1 Acute toxicity (Inhalation: Dusts and mists) Classification not possible
- - Classification not possible due to lack of data.
2 Skin corrosion/irritation Classification not possible
- - Classification not possible due to lack of data. Besides, it is reported in CICAD 27 (2000) that in an irritation test in which the polymer of this substance was applied to rabbits for 24 hours, slight erythema was observed but disappeared within seven days. And this substance is classified in "Xi; R36/38" in EU DSD classification and "Skin Irrit. 2 H315" in EU CLP classification.
3 Serious eye damage/eye irritation Classification not possible
- - Classification not possible due to lack of data. Besides, this substance is classified in "Xi; R37" in EU DSD classification and "Eye Irrit. 2 H319" in EU CLP classification.
4 Respiratory sensitization Category 1

H334 P304+P340
In CICAD 27 (2000), many cases show the effects of this substance on respiratory organs in humans. Furthermore, it is classified in "R42/43" in EU DSD classification and "Resp. Sens. 1 H334" in EU CLP classification. Based on the above information, it was classified in Category 1.
4 Skin sensitization Category 1

H317 P302+P352
It is reported that it was sensitizing in a mouse ear-swelling test (CICAD 27 (2000)). Furthermore, in CICAD 27 (2000), many cases are showing that this substance was a skin sensitizer in humans. Moreover, this substance is classified in "R43" in EU DSD classification and "Skin Sens. 1 H317" in EU CLP classification. Based on the above information, it was classified in Category 1.
5 Germ cell mutagenicity Classification not possible
- - Classification not possible due to lack of data. As for in vivo, it was negative in a test in which DNA adduct formation in rat liver was investigated (CICAD 27 (2000)). As for in vitro, it was negative in a bacterial reverse mutation test (CICAD 27 (2000)).
6 Carcinogenicity Classification not possible
- - Because the mixture of the monomer and polymer of this substance is classified in Group 3 in CICAD (2000), it was classified as "Classification not possible." Besides, it is classified in 3 by the EU.
7 Reproductive toxicity Classification not possible
- - Classification not possible due to lack of data. Besides, no developmental toxicity was observed in a developmental toxicity test with rats in the inhalation route (CICAD 27 (2000)). No report on fertility was obtained.
8 Specific target organ toxicity - Single exposure Classification not possible
- - Classification not possible due to lack of data.
9 Specific target organ toxicity - Repeated exposure Classification not possible
- - Classification is not possible due to lack of data because there are no reports on the effects of repeated exposure to this substance in either humans or experimental animals. Besides, as for 4,4'-diphenylmethane diisocyanate, the isomer of this substance, it is reported that after 1-year inhalation exposure to aerosol, rats showed histopathological findings in the lung (focal alveolar and bronchioalveolar hyperplasia, interstitial fibrosis, an accumulation of particle-laden and pigmented macrophages) at the concentration (converted guidance value: 0.00046 mg/L) corresponding to Category 1 (CICAD 27 (2000)).
10 Aspiration hazard Classification not possible
- - Classification not possible due to lack of data.

Hazard class Classification Pictogram
Signal word
Hazard statement
Precautionary statement
Rationale for the classification
11 Hazardous to the aquatic environment (Acute) Classification not possible
- - No data available.
11 Hazardous to the aquatic environment (Long-term) Classification not possible
- - No data available.
12 Hazardous to the ozone layer Classification not possible
- - This substance is not listed in the Annexes to the Montreal Protocol.

  • GHS Classification Result by the Japanese Government is intended to provide a reference for preparing a GHS label or SDS for users. To include the same classification result in a label or SDS for Japan is NOT mandatory.
  • Users can cite or copy this classification result when preparing a GHS label or SDS. Please be aware, however, that the responsibility for a label or SDS prepared by citing or copying this classification result lies with users.
  • This GHS classification was conducted based on the information sources and the guidance for classification and judgement which are described in the GHS Classification Guidance for the Japanese Government etc. Using other literature, test results etc. as evidence and including different content from this classification result in a label or SDS are allowed.
  • Hazard statement and precautionary statement will show by hovering the mouse cursor over a code in the column of "Hazard statement" and "Precautionary statement," respectively. In the excel file, both the codes and statements are provided.
  • A blank or "-" in the column of "Classification" denotes that a classification for the hazard class was not conducted in the year.

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