Latest GHS Classification Results by the Japanese Government (edited by NITE)


Item Information
CAS RN 13755-38-9
Chemical Name Sodium pentacyanonitrosylferrate(III) dihydrate
Substance ID m-nite-13755-38-9_v1
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Item Information
Guidance used for the classification (External link) To Guidance List
UN GHS document (External link) To UN GHS document
FAQ(GHS classification results by the Japanese Government) To FAQ
List of Information Sources (Excel file) List of Information Sources
List of Definitions/Abbreviations Definitions/Abbreviations
Sample Label by MHLW (External link) MHLW Website (in Japanese Only)
Sample SDS by MHLW (External link) MHLW Website (in Japanese Only)
OECD/eChemPortal (External link) To OECD/eChemPortal (External link)

Hazard class Classification Pictogram
Signal word
Hazard statement
Precautionary statement
Rationale for the classification Classification year (FY) GHS Classification Guidance for the Japanese Government
1 Explosives Not classified (Not applicable)
- - There are no chemical groups associated with explosive properties present in the molecule. FY2011 GHS Classification Guidance by the Japanese Government (July, 2010)
2 Flammable gases Not classified (Not applicable)
- - It is a solid (crystals) at normal temperatures (Merck (14th, 2006)). FY2011 GHS Classification Guidance by the Japanese Government (July, 2010)
3 Aerosols Not classified (Not applicable)
- - Not an aerosol product. FY2011 GHS Classification Guidance by the Japanese Government (July, 2010)
4 Oxidizing gases Not classified (Not applicable)
- - It is a solid (crystals) at normal temperatures (Merck (14th, 2006)). FY2011 GHS Classification Guidance by the Japanese Government (July, 2010)
5 Gases under pressure Not classified (Not applicable)
- - It is a solid (crystals) at normal temperatures (Merck (14th, 2006)). FY2011 GHS Classification Guidance by the Japanese Government (July, 2010)
6 Flammable liquids Not classified (Not applicable)
- - It is a solid (crystals) at normal temperatures (Merck (14th, 2006)). FY2011 GHS Classification Guidance by the Japanese Government (July, 2010)
7 Flammable solids Classification not possible
- - No data. FY2011 GHS Classification Guidance by the Japanese Government (July, 2010)
8 Self-reactive substances and mixtures Not classified (Not applicable)
- - There are no chemical groups present in the molecule associated with explosive or self-reactive properties. FY2011 GHS Classification Guidance by the Japanese Government (July, 2010)
9 Pyrophoric liquids Not classified (Not applicable)
- - It is a solid (crystals) at normal temperatures (Merck (14th, 2006)). FY2011 GHS Classification Guidance by the Japanese Government (July, 2010)
10 Pyrophoric solids Classification not possible
- - No data. FY2011 GHS Classification Guidance by the Japanese Government (July, 2010)
11 Self-heating substances and mixtures Classification not possible
- - No data. FY2011 GHS Classification Guidance by the Japanese Government (July, 2010)
12 Substances and mixtures which, in contact with water, emit flammable gases Not classified
- - It contains a metal (Fe), but it is classified as "not classified" because it is conceivable that it is stable in the water from water solubility data of 40 g/100 mL (CRC (91st, 2010)). FY2011 GHS Classification Guidance by the Japanese Government (July, 2010)
13 Oxidizing liquids Not classified (Not applicable)
- - It is a solid (crystals) at normal temperatures (Merck (14th, 2006)). FY2011 GHS Classification Guidance by the Japanese Government (July, 2010)
14 Oxidizing solids Classification not possible
- - An inorganic compound contains oxygen which is chemically bonded to nitrogen, but the classification is not possible due to no data. FY2011 GHS Classification Guidance by the Japanese Government (July, 2010)
15 Organic peroxides Not classified (Not applicable)
- - It is an inorganic compound. FY2011 GHS Classification Guidance by the Japanese Government (July, 2010)
16 Corrosive to metals Classification not possible
- - No data. FY2011 GHS Classification Guidance by the Japanese Government (July, 2010)
17 Desensitized explosives -
- - - - -

Hazard class Classification Pictogram
Signal word
Hazard statement
Precautionary statement
Rationale for the classification Classification year (FY) GHS Classification Guidance for the Japanese Government
1 Acute toxicity (Oral) Category 3

H301 P301+P310
From an LD50 value of 113 mg/kg as a dihydrate converted from a reported LD50 value of 99 mg/kg as an anhydrate for rats (RTECS (2010): original literature; Arzneimittel-Forschung. Drug Research: 24, 308, 1974), it was classified in Category 3.
Besides, the data was confirmed with the obtained original literature though it was from List 3 data.
FY2011 GHS Classification Guidance by the Japanese Government (July, 2010)
1 Acute toxicity (Dermal) Classification not possible
- - No data. FY2011 GHS Classification Guidance by the Japanese Government (July, 2010)
1 Acute toxicity (Inhalation: Gases) Not classified (Not applicable)
- - It is a solid (crystals) at normal temperatures (Merck (14th, 2006)). FY2011 GHS Classification Guidance by the Japanese Government (July, 2010)
1 Acute toxicity (Inhalation: Vapours) Classification not possible
- - No data. FY2011 GHS Classification Guidance by the Japanese Government (July, 2010)
1 Acute toxicity (Inhalation: Dusts and mists) Classification not possible
- - No data. FY2011 GHS Classification Guidance by the Japanese Government (July, 2010)
2 Skin corrosion/irritation Classification not possible
- - No data.
Besides, there is the information that cyanides are weakly irritating to skin (CICAD 61 (2004)).
FY2011 GHS Classification Guidance by the Japanese Government (July, 2010)
3 Serious eye damage/eye irritation Classification not possible
- - No data.
Besides, there is the information that cyanides are weakly irritating to eyes (CICAD 61 (2004)).
FY2011 GHS Classification Guidance by the Japanese Government (July, 2010)
4 Respiratory sensitization Classification not possible
- - No data. FY2011 GHS Classification Guidance by the Japanese Government (July, 2010)
4 Skin sensitization Classification not possible
- - No data. FY2011 GHS Classification Guidance by the Japanese Government (July, 2010)
5 Germ cell mutagenicity Classification not possible
- - No data. FY2011 GHS Classification Guidance by the Japanese Government (July, 2010)
6 Carcinogenicity Classification not possible
- - No data. FY2011 GHS Classification Guidance by the Japanese Government (July, 2010)
7 Reproductive toxicity Classification not possible
- - As information on an anhydrate, it is reported that no teratogenicity in intravenous administration to rats and rabbit (Teratogenic (12th, 2007), corresponding to List 2), no adverse fetal effects in intravenous administration during an organogenesis in rabbits (Teratogenic (12th, 2007)), and no adverse fetal and postnatal development effects in reproduction, teratology, and perinatal studies in intravenous administration in rats (Teratogenic (12th, 2007)) were found.
But all of them were intravenous administration and unknown details of the test method and test results, therefore, it was classified as "Classification not possible."
FY2011 GHS Classification Guidance by the Japanese Government (July, 2010)
8 Specific target organ toxicity - Single exposure Classification not possible
- - Lack of data.
Besides, this substance is used as a blood pressure lowering medication and is administered intravenously.
Hypotension, hepatic dysfunction, tachycardia and so on are known as main adverse effects.
And abnormal changes in clinical tests such as abnormality on liver function tests, a drop of blood pressure, elevated C-reactive protein, low PO2, and leukocytosis were reported (Ethical pharmaceuticals (2010), corresponding to List 1).
FY2011 GHS Classification Guidance by the Japanese Government (July, 2010)
9 Specific target organ toxicity - Repeated exposure Classification not possible
- - No data.
Besides, there is the information that the primary target organs of toxicity by cyanide formed in the body after administration of an anhydrate are the cardiovascular, respiratory, and central nervous systems.
And the endocrine system is a potential target of long-term toxicity in repeated exposures because the metabolite, thiocyanate, acts as a goitrogenic agent to prevent the uptake of iodine in the thyroid. (CICAD 61 (2004))
FY2011 GHS Classification Guidance by the Japanese Government (July, 2010)
10 Aspiration hazard Classification not possible
- - No data. FY2011 GHS Classification Guidance by the Japanese Government (July, 2010)

Hazard class Classification Pictogram
Signal word
Hazard statement
Precautionary statement
Rationale for the classification Classification year (FY) GHS Classification Guidance for the Japanese Government
11 Hazardous to the aquatic environment Short term (Acute) Classification not possible
- - No data. FY2011 GHS Classification Guidance by the Japanese Government (July, 2010)
11 Hazardous to the aquatic environment Long term (Chronic) Classification not possible
- - No data. FY2011 GHS Classification Guidance by the Japanese Government (July, 2010)
12 Hazardous to the ozone layer Classification not possible
- - This substance is not listed in Annexes to the Montreal Protocol. FY2011 GHS Classification Guidance by the Japanese Government (July, 2010)

  • GHS Classification Result by the Japanese Government is intended to provide a reference for preparing a GHS label or SDS for users. To include the same classification result in a label or SDS for Japan is NOT mandatory.
  • Users can cite or copy this classification result when preparing a GHS label or SDS. Please be aware, however, that the responsibility for a label or SDS prepared by citing or copying this classification result lies with users.
  • This GHS classification was conducted based on the information sources and the guidance for classification and judgement which are described in the GHS Classification Guidance for the Japanese Government etc. Using other literature, test results etc. as evidence and including different content from this classification result in a label or SDS are allowed.
  • Hazard statement and precautionary statement will show by hovering the mouse cursor over a code in the column of "Hazard statement" and "Precautionary statement," respectively. In the excel file, both the codes and statements are provided.
  • A blank or "-" in the column of "Classification" denotes that a classification for the hazard class was not conducted in the year.
  • An asterisk “*” in the column of “Classification” denotes that “Not classified (or No applicable)” and/or “Classification not possible” is applicable. Details are described in the column of “Rationale for the classification”. If no English translation is available for “Rationale for the classification,” please refer to the Japanese version of the results.

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