Consumer Product Safety

Press release 2011.04.28 [Preventing Product Accidents during the Post-disaster Recovery Period]

Preventing Product Accidents during the Post-disaster Recovery Period

National Institute of Technology and Evaluation
Product Safety Technology Center
April 28, 2011

NITE (National Institute of Technology and Evaluation; President: Itaru Yasui) gave a presentation for the media on preventing accidents involving induction cooking stoves as shown in the attached materials

1. Press release

Release date:
April 28, 2011
Preventing Accidents Involving Air Conditioners
Product Safety Technology Center
It is assumed that during a post-disaster recovery period gas- and oil-fired devices and small power generators are used more often than usual. However, these products may start fires or induce carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning*1 if used improperly. Recently, accidents such as carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning caused by using a small power generator indoors occurred after the Great Earthquake. To prevent this type of accident, please observe the following instructions and use the products properly.
*1 Carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning:
If there is not enough fresh air (oxygen) when gas, petroleum or charcoal is combusting, incomplete combustion may occur and carbon monoxide (CO) may be generated. Carbon monoxide is colorless and odor-free, and it is thus difficult to detect it. Because it easily binds with hemoglobin in the blood, even a small amount of carbon monoxide absorbed into the blood may reduce the blood's ability to transport oxygen and induce death. Because of this, carbon monoxide is very hazardous.
Press briefing paper in Japanese

For more information;
National Institute of Technology and Evaluation (NITE)
Product Safety Technology Center, Product Safety Investigation Division

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