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Medium Detail Information

Medium No.
Thermotoga maritima Medium
 Soluble starch5g
 Trace minerals*10ml
 Bacto Yeast Extract (Difco)0.5g
 Artificial sea water***250ml
 Distilled water750ml
  Mix ingredients except Na2S·9H2O, adjust pH to 6.5 with NaOH, and autoclave under a N2 atmosphere. Separately autoclave and neutralize Na2S·9H2O as 5% solution under a N2 atmosphere. Anaerobically add Na2S·9H2O solution.
  *Trace minerals
   Nitrilotriacetic acid1.5g
   Distilled water1L
  First dissolve nitrilotriacetic acid and adjust pH to 6.5 with KOH, then add minerals. Final pH 7.0 (with KOH).
  **The sulfide is prepared in a vessel sealed with a butyl rubber stopper. Autoclave under a N2 atmosphere. After cooling, the pH is adjusted to about 7.3 by adding of sterile 4-0.2 N H2SO4 drop-wise with a syringe without opening the bottle. Appearance of yellow color indicate the pH is about 8. The vessel should be shaken continuously to avoid precipitation of elemental sulfur. The final solution should be transparent yellow.
  ***Artificial sea water
   Citric acid10mg
   Distilled water1L