Biological Resource Center, NITE (NBRC)

The outline of Methanococcus maripaludis OS7 proteome


We have analyzed the proteome of methanogenic archaea, Methanococcus maripaludis OS7 (NBRC 103642) with the iron corrosive property and its corrosion-defective mutant OS7mut1 (NBRC 105638) under the following conditions.

1. Shotgun proteomics (SDS-PAGE in combination with LC-MS/MS)

  1. (1) strain OS7, grown under H2 + CO2 (logarithmic phase), intracellular
  2. (2) strain OS7, grown under H2 + CO2 (stationary phase), intracellular
  3. (3) strain OS7, grown under H2 + CO2 (stationary phase), extracellular
  4. (4) strain OS7, grown in medium containing Fe0 granules
  5. (5) strain OS7mut1, grown under H2 + CO2 (stationary phase), extracellular

2. Peptide Mass Fingerprinting (two-dimensional PAGE followed by MALDI-TOFMS)

  1. (1) strain OS7, grown under H2 + CO2 (logarithmic phase), intracellular
  2. (2) strain OS7, grown under H2 + CO2 (stationary phase), intracellular

3. N-terminal amino acid sequencing by the protein sequencer

The result of proteome analysis

    Under the hydrogen cultivation conditions, 1,170 proteins were detected from the cells of strains OS7 and 767 proteins were detected from culture filtrates of strains OS7. Under the iron cultivation conditions, 472 proteins were detected from the cells. In addition, 858 proteins were detected from culture filtrates of strains OS7mut1 under the hydrogen cultivation conditions.

    Under the iron cultivation conditions, the detection rate in the gene cluster related to methane production were relatively higher than other gene cluster. Therefore, it is suggested that strains OS7 is striving to acquire energy under the growth-unfriendly environment.

     The results of LC/MS/MS (2), (3) and (5) shown above are provided through jPOST (Japan Proteome Standard Repository/Database) JPST000448 and ProteomeXchange PXD010311.

    All results of the proteome analysis are available to be downloaded from the DBRP (Data and Biological Resource Platform).


This study was presented to the following scientific conference.

  • Miyako Mise, Hanako Ataku, Keiko Nishijima, Jun Yamazaki, Jun Fukuda, Kazumi Sasaki, Syuji Yamazaki, Hirohito Tsurumaru, Naofumi Ito, Nobuyuki Fujita
  “Proteome analysis of iron-corrosive methanogen Methanococcus maripaludis OS7.”
  10th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Extremophiles P-23 (2009)
  • H. Tsurumaru, N. Ito, K. Mori, S. Wakai, T. Uchiyama, T. Iino, A. Hosoyama, H. Ataku, K. Nishijima, M. Mise, A. Shimizu, T. Harada, H. Horikawa, N. Ichikawa, T. Sekigawa, K. Jinno, S. Tanikawa, J. Yamazaki, K. Sasaki, S. Yamazaki, N. Fujita & S. Harayama
  “An extracellular [NiFe] hydrogenase mediating iron corrosion is encoded in a genetically unstable genomic island in Methanococcus maripaludis.”
  Scientific Reports (2018)

Methanococcus maripaludis OS7 and OS7mut1 proteome data in DBRP

Proteome Projects

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