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NBRC 15633: Photobacterium damselae subsp. damselae corrig. (Love et al. 1982) Smith et al. 1991 emend. Kimura et al. 2000

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Synonymous Name Listonella damsela (sic)
Listonella damselae
Photobacterium damsela (sic)
Photobacterium damsela subsp. damsela (sic)
Photobacterium damselae
Photobacterium histaminum
Vibrio damsela (sic)
Vibrio damselae
Other Culture Collection No. ATCC 33539=CAIM 331=CIP 102761=DSM 7482=LMG 7892=NCTC 11647
Other No. CDC 2588-80=HUFP 9202
Herberium No.
Shipping as Glass ampoule (L-dried)
Type Strain type
Biosafety Level L2
Conditions of utilization
Plant Quarantine No.
Animal Quarantine No.
Source of Isolation Damselfish skin ulcers, Chromis punctipinnis
Locality of Source California
Country/region of Origin USA
Accepted Date 1994/01/26
Isolated Year
Deposited Year
History IFO 15633 <- Hiroshima Univ. (K. Muroga, HUFP 9202) <- ATCC 33539 <- CDC 2588-80 <- D.T. Fisher
Comment Former name: Vibrio damsela
Rehydration Fluid 708
Medium 325 340
Cultivation Temp. 25 C
Oxygen Relationship
Information for Users
Accession No
Biosample ID
Bioproject ID
Mating Type
Genetic Markers
References 172,316,963