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NBRC 14792: Bradyrhizobium diazoefficiens Delamuta et al. 2013
Synonymous Name | |
Teleomorph | |
Anamorph | |
Other Culture Collection No. | ACCC 15034=BCRC 13528=CCRC 13528=CCT 4249=IAM 13628=JCM 10833=NRRL B-4361=NRRL B-4450=TISTR 339 |
Other No. | 3I1B110=CNPSo 46=R-12974=SEMIA 5032=TAL 102=USDA 110 |
Herberium No. | |
Shipping as | Glass ampoule (L-dried) |
Type Strain | type |
Biosafety Level | L1 |
Restriction | |
Conditions of utilization | |
Plant Quarantine No. | |
Animal Quarantine No. | |
Source of Isolation | Root nodule of soybean, Glycine max |
Locality of Source | |
Country/region of Origin | USA |
Accepted Date | 1988/11/07 |
Isolated Year | |
Deposited Year | |
History | IFO 14792 <- USDA 110 (R. Griffin) |
Comment | DNA homology group Ia |
Sequences | |
Accession No | |
Biosample ID | |
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