Search Results Detail
NBRC 15713: Bacillus badius Batchelor 1919
Synonymous Name | |
Teleomorph | |
Anamorph | |
Other Culture Collection No. | ATCC 14574=CIP 58.52=DSM 23=HAMBI 1885=IAM 11059=LMG 7122=NCIB 9364=NCTC 10333=NRRL NRS-663=VKM B-496 |
Other No. | |
Herberium No. | |
Shipping as | Glass ampoule (L-dried) |
Type Strain | type |
Biosafety Level | L1 |
Restriction | |
Conditions of utilization | |
Plant Quarantine No. | |
Animal Quarantine No. | |
Source of Isolation | |
Locality of Source | |
Country/region of Origin | |
Accepted Date | 1994/06/07 |
Isolated Year | |
Deposited Year | |
History | IFO 15713 <- Higeta Shoyu Co., Ltd. (O. Shida) <- ATCC 14574 <- R.E. Gordon <- N.R. Smith <- B.S. Henry <- M. Batchelor |
Comment | Genome Information: PRJDB1315 (NCBI BioProject). Genomic DNA is also available: NBRC 15713G. |
Sequences | |
Accession No | BCVF00000000:Genome |
Biosample ID | SAMD00046990 |
Bioproject ID | PRJDB1315 |
Applications | |
Mating Type | |
Genetic Markers | |
References | 4096 |