カタログ検索結果 詳細情報

NBRC 107203: Lactiplantibacillus plantarum (Orla-Jensen 1919) Zheng et al. 2020

数量・価格 一般/アカデミック
価格の詳細は こちら
MTA作成手数料 + 2,750円 (税込)
Synonymous Name Lactiplantibacillus plantarum subsp. plantarum
Lactobacillus plantarum
Lactobacillus plantarum subsp. plantarum
Other Culture Collection No. BCC 38171
Other No. BN5-9A-3=NB396
Herberium No.
Shipping as Glass ampoule (L-dried)
Type Strain
Biosafety Level L1
Conclusion of MTA is required
Conditions of utilization
Plant Quarantine No.
Animal Quarantine No.
Source of Isolation Fermented fish (Pla-som)
Locality of Source Nakhon Ratchasima
Country/region of Origin Thailand
Accepted Date 2010/06/22
Isolated Year
Deposited Year 2009
History BCC 38171 <- BCC (P. Rattanawaree, NB396)
Rehydration Fluid 310
Medium 310
Cultivation Temp. 30 C
Oxygen Relationship Facultative
Information for Users 嫌気ジャー内で培養、または10ml液体培地(沸騰水中で脱気して使用)で静置培養してください。
Please culture with the anaerobic jar or culture statically in 10ml liquid medium (degassed in boiling water).
Accession No.
Biosample ID
Bioproject ID
Mating Type
Genetic Markers
References 6569,6570,8642,8643