カタログ検索結果 詳細情報

NBRC 113503: Escherichia coli (Migula 1895) Castellani and Chalmers 1919

数量・価格 一般/アカデミック
価格の詳細は こちら
Synonymous Name
Other Culture Collection No.
Other No. FERM BP-1732=FERM P-7838=YK2004
Herberium No.
Shipping as Glass ampoule (L-dried)
Type Strain
Biosafety Level L1
Living Modified Organism (LMO)
Conditions of utilization
Plant Quarantine No.
Animal Quarantine No.
Source of Isolation
Locality of Source
Country/region of Origin Japan
Accepted Date 2018/08/14
Isolated Year
Deposited Year 2018
History Mitsubishi Chem. Corp. (H. Ochi, FERM BP-1732)
Comment E. coli K12 transformant of pMTY-2 (pBR322 derivative). Apr.
Rehydration Fluid 702
Medium 802
Cultivation Temp. 37 C
Oxygen Relationship Aerobe
Information for Users
Accession No.
Biosample ID
Bioproject ID
Applications L- Tryptophan;production
Mating Type
Genetic Markers pMTY-2 [pMTY-2: tryptophan operon and miniF region derived from Escherichia coli].