カタログ検索結果 詳細情報

NBRC 116074: Roseovarius sp.

数量・価格 一般/アカデミック
価格の詳細は こちら
Synonymous Name
Other Culture Collection No.
Other No. S6V
Herberium No.
Shipping as Glass ampoule (L-dried)
Type Strain
Biosafety Level L1
Conditions of utilization
Plant Quarantine No.
Animal Quarantine No.
Source of Isolation Seawater
Locality of Source Seto Inland Sea
Country/region of Origin Japan
Accepted Date 2023/04/14
Isolated Year
Deposited Year 2023
History Shibaura Inst. Technol. (H. Fuse, S6V)
Rehydration Fluid 339
Medium 340
Cultivation Temp. 25 C
Oxygen Relationship Aerobe
Information for Users L-乾燥アンプルからの復元には継代培養時よりも立ち上がりに時間がかかります。1週間程度の培養が必要です。
Reactivate from L-dried ampoule takes longer than subculturing. It takes about 1 week of culture.
Accession No. AB114421:16S rRNA gene
Biosample ID
Bioproject ID
Applications Iodide;oxidation
Mating Type
Genetic Markers
References 8931