Publication year |
Human health effect |
Ecological effect |
Detailed assessment by experts |
Remarks |
Exposure Class |
Hazard Class |
Priority |
Exposure Class |
Hazard Class |
Priority |
2021 |
Out of classification |
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Out of classification |
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Assessment has been conducted by the MITI number. |
2018 |
Out of classification |
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Out of classification |
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Assessment has been conducted by the serial number of Type II Monitoring Chemical Substance (before amendment) and the serial number of Type III Monitoring Chemical Substance (before amendment). |
2015 |
Out of classification |
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Out of classification |
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Assessment has been conducted by the serial number of Type II Monitoring Chemical Substance (before amendment) and the serial number of Type III Monitoring Chemical Substance (before amendment). |
2014 |
Out of classification |
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Out of classification |
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Assessment has been conducted by the serial number of Type II Monitoring Chemical Substance (before amendment) and the serial number of Type III Monitoring Chemical Substance (before amendment). |
2013 |
Out of classification |
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Out of classification |
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Assessment has been conducted by the serial number of Type II Monitoring Chemical Substance (before amendment) and the serial number of Type III Monitoring Chemical Substance (before amendment). |
2012 |
Out of classification |
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Out of classification |
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Assessment has been conducted by the serial number of Type II Monitoring Chemical Substance (before amendment) and the serial number of Type III Monitoring Chemical Substance (before amendment). |
publication source |
publication date |
Chemical Substance Name |
Published Result |
Judgement |
Remarks |
METI website (Only available in Japanese) |
2019/09/06 |
2,6-Dichloro-4-methylnicotinonitrile |
Not readily biodegradable / Not highly bioaccumulative |
METI website (Only available in Japanese) |
2014/09/10 |
2,6-Dichloro-4-methylnicotinonitrile |
Test method : Bioaccumulation in Fish, Test result : BCF = 3.9 |
The test result is steady-state bioconcentration factor (BCFss). If BCFss is not calculated, the test result is the maximum value of BCF. |
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-When there is no data on NITE-CHRIP, it shows the NITE-CHRIP error page.

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