Substances under the Chemical Substances Control Law
Newly Announced Chemical Substances (notified on and after April 1, 2011)
Substances that were notified on and after April 1, 2011, as substances that are either newly manufactured in, or imported to, Japan and are
neither classified as Class I Specified Chemical Substances nor as Priority Assessment chemical Substances.
Such substances are designated on and after 2017 as Newly Announced Chemical Substances (notified on and after April 1, 2011) in accordance with paragraph (4) of Article 4.
Such chemical substances are regarded as general chemical substances pursuant to the provisions of Paragraph 7 of Article 2 of the current Law
(excluding Priority Assessment Chemical Substances, Monitoring Chemical Substances, Class I Specified Chemical Substances,
and Class II Specified Chemical Substances).
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Please take note that Chemical Substance Names are translated by NITE and confirm from Original Chemical Names(in Japanese) for yourself.