Update history

    January 10, 2025
    - Class I Specified Chemical Substances (come into effect on January 10, 2025)
    - Combinations of MITI number and CAS RN

    November 12, 2024
    - Combinations of MITI number and CAS RN

    September 10, 2024
    - Class I Specified Chemical Substances (come into effect on September 10, 2024)
    - Combinations of MITI number and CAS RN

    July 31, 2024
    - Newly Announced Chemical Substances (given public notice on July 31, 2024)
    - Specified General Chemical Substances (given public notice on July 31, 2024)
    - Combinations of MITI number and CAS RN
    - Judgement results on biodegradability and bioaccumulation of Newly Announced Chemical Substances (given public notice on July 31, 2024)
    - Status in the risk assessment of Priority Assessment Chemical Substances (PACSs)

    June 4, 2024
    - Combinations of MITI number and CAS RN
    - Sum of the quantity of manufacture and import (2022FY (Class II Specified Chemical Substances, Monitoring Chemical Substances, Priority Assessment Chemical Substances (PACSs), General Chemical Substances)) 

    April 1, 2024
    - Priority Assessment Chemical Substances (PACSs) (given public notice on April 1, 2024)
    - Canceled - Priority Assessment Chemical Substances (given public notice on March 29, 2024)
    - Chemical Substances exempt from notification of manufacturing/import amount (given public notice on March 29, 2024)
    - Combinations of MITI number and CAS RN

    March 12, 2024
    - Class I Specified Chemical Substances (addition of one substance (PFHxS or its isomers or their salts) designated on February 1, 2024)
    - Combinations of MITI number and CAS RN 
    - Links to Toxicity Testing Reports (Japan Existing Chemical Database (JECDB))

    January 30, 2024
    - Combinations of MITI number and CAS RN

    November 28, 2023
    - Combinations of MITI number and CAS RN

    October 3, 2023
    - Combinations of MITI number and CAS RN
    - Results of screening assessment (Published in FY 2022)

    July 31, 2023
    - Newly announced chemical substances (given public notice on July 31, 2023)
    - Combinations of MITI number and CAS RN
    - Judgement results on biodegradability and bioaccumulation of Newly Announced Chemical Substances (given public notice on July 31, 2023) 

    June 06, 2023
    - Combinations of MITI number and CAS RN 
    - Sum of the quantity of manufacture and import (2021FY (Class II Specified Chemical Substances, Monitoring Chemical Substances, Priority Assessment Chemical Substances (PACSs), General Chemical Substances)) 
    - Status in the risk assessment of Priority Assessment Chemical Substances (PACSs) 

    April 18, 2023
    - Priority Assessment Chemical Substances (PACSs) (given public notice on April 1, 2023)
    - Canceled - Priority Assessment Chemical Substances (given public notice on March 31, 2023)
    - Chemical Substances exempt from notification of manufacturing/import amount (given public notice on March 31, 2023)
    - Combinations of MITI number and CAS RN 

    March 14, 2023
    - Combinations of MITI number and CAS RN

    January 31, 2023
    - Combinations of MITI number and CAS RN
    - Link to Toxicity Testing Reports (Japan Existing Chemical Database (JECDB))

    November 29, 2022
    - Combinations of MITI number and CAS RN

    October 11, 2022
    - Combinations of MITI number and CAS RN
    - Judgement results on biodegradability and bioaccumulation of Newly Announced Chemical Substances (given public notice on July 29, 2022)
    - Results of screening assessment (Published in FY 2021) 

    July 29, 2022
    - Newly announced chemical substances (given public notice on July 29, 2022)
    - Combinations of MITI number and CAS RN
    - Status in the risk assessment of Priority Assessment Chemical Substances (PACSs) 

    May 31, 2022
    - Combinations of MITI number and CAS RN 
    -Sum of the quantity of manufacture and import (2020FY (Class II Specified Chemical Substances, Monitoring Chemical Substances, Priority Assessment Chemical Substances (PACSs), General chemical substances)) 

    April 1, 2022
    - Priority Assessment Chemical Substances (PACSs) (given public notice on April 1, 2022)
    - Canceled - Priority Assessment Chemical Substances (given public notice on March 31, 2022)
    - Chemical Substances exempt from notification of manufacturing/import amount (given public notice on March 31, 2022)
    - Combinations of MITI number and CAS RN 

    January 25, 2022
    - Combinations of MITI number and CAS RN

    November 30, 2021
    - Class I Specified Chemical Substances (enforced on October 22, 2021)
    - Combinations of MITI number and CAS RN 
    - Links to Toxicity Testing Reports (Japan Existing Chemical Database (JECDB))
    - Judgement results on biodegradability and bioaccumulation of Newly Announced Chemical Substances (given public notice on July 30, 2021)

    October 5, 2021
    - Results of screening assessment (Published in FY 2020)

    July 30, 2021
    - Newly announced chemical substances (given public notice on July 30, 2021)
    - Combination of MITI number and CASRN

    June 08, 2021
    - Sum of the quantity of manufacture and import (2019FY (Class II Specified Chemical Substances, Monitoring Chemical Substances, Priority Assessment Chemical Substances (PACSs), General chemical substances))
    - Status in the risk assessment of Priority Assessment Chemical Substances (PACSs)

    April 20, 2021
    - Priority Assessment Chemical Substances (PACSs) (given public notice on April 1, 2021)
    - Canceled - Priority Assessment Chemical Substances (given public notice on March 31, 2021)
    - Chemical Substances exempt from notification of manufacturing/import amount (given public notice on March 31, 2021)
    - Combination of MITI number and CASRN

    March 9, 2021
    - Combination of MITI number and CASRN

    December 14, 2020
    - Combination of MITI number and CASRN
    - Judgement results of Newly Announced Chemical Substances (given public notice on July 31, 2020)

    October 6, 2020
    - Combination of MITI number and CASRN
    - Sum of the quantity of manufacture and import (2018FY General chemical substances))
    - Results of screening assessment (Published in FY 2019)
    - Status in the risk assessment of Priority Assessment Chemical Substances (PACSs)

    July 31, 2020
    - Newly announced chemical substances (given public notice on 2020/07/31)
    - Combination of MITI number and CASRN
    - J-CHECK User's Manual (July 31, 2020 Ver.2.0)

    June 2, 2020
    - Sum of the quantity of manufacture and import (2018FY Class II Specified Chemical Substances, Monitoring Chemical Substances, Priority Assessment Chemical Substances (PACSs))

     April 21, 2020
    - Priority Assessment Chemical Substances (PACSs) (given public notice on March 31, 2020 and April 1, 2020)
    - Chemical Substances exempt from notification of manufacturing/import amount (given public notice on March 31, 2020)
    - Combination of MITI number and CASRN
    - Correction of test results of Newly Chemical Substances

    March 17, 2020
    - Combination of MITI number and CASRN 

    January 28, 2020
    - Combination of MITI number and CASRN 

    November 26, 2019
    - Judgement results of Newly Announced Chemical Substances (given public notice on July 31, 2019)
    - Combination of MITI number and CASRN 
    - Link to Toxicity Testing Reports (Japan Existing Chemical Database (JECDB)) 

     October 8, 2019
    - Combination of MITI number and CASRN 
    - Judgment results of chemical substances designated as Type II Monitoring Chemical Substances (before amendment in FY 2009) or Type III Monitoring Chemical Substances (before amendment in FY 2009) among Newly Chemical Substances judged from FY 2004 to FY 2010 (Published on September 6, 2019)
    - Judgment results of Newly Chemical Substances judged from FY 1987 to FY 2003 (Published on September 6, 2019)
    - Test results used to determine bioaccumulation of Newly Chemical Substances judged from FY 1987 to FY 2003 (Published on September 6, 2019)
    - Results of screening assessment (Published in FY 2018)

    July 31, 2019
    - Newly announced chemical substances (given public notice on July 31, 2019)
    - Combination of MITI number and CASRN 
    - Results of the existing chemicals survey program (ecotoxicological test)
    - Status in the risk assessment of Priority Assessment Chemical Substances (PACSs)

    June 4, 2019
    - Sum of the quantity of manufacture and import (2017FY Class II Specified Chemical Substances, Monitoring Chemical Substances, Priority Assessment Chemical Substances (PACSs), General Substances)
    - Combination of MITI number and CASRN 

     April 16, 2019
    - Priority Assessment Chemical Substances (PACSs) (given public notice on April 1, 2019)
    - Chemical Substances exempt from notification of manufacturing/import amount (given public notice on March 29, 2019)
    - Combination of MITI number and CASRN 

    March 20, 2019
    - J-CHECK User's Manual
    - Reference materials on combinations of CAS Registry Numbers and MITI Numbers

    February 5, 2019
    - Combination of MITI number and CASRN

    December 4, 2018
    - Combination of MITI number and CASRN

    October 10, 2018
    - Judgement results of Newly Announced Chemical Substances (given public notice on July 31, 2018)
    - Combination of MITI number and CASRN

    July 31, 2018
    The following data are updated (July 31, 2018)
    - Newly announced chemical substances (given public notice on July 31, 2018)
    - Results of screening assessment (Published in 2017FY)
    - Combination of MITI number and CASRN

    June 5, 2018
    - Sum of the quantity of manufacture and import (2016FY Monitoring Chemical Substances, Priority Assessment Chemical Substances (PACSs), General Substances)
    - Judgment results and test results of existing chemical substances which are transformation products of new chemical substances which public notice has been already given (given public notice on 2018/03/20)
    - Combination of MITI number and CASRN 
    - Status of Risk Assessment Phase 1-I of PACSs (published on March 22, 2018)
    - Results of the existing chemicals survey program (ecotoxicological test)

    April 17, 2018
    - Class I Specified Chemical Substances (enforced on April 1, 2018)
    - Monitoring Chemical Substances (given public notice on March 30, 2018 and April 2, 2018)
    - Priority Assessment Chemical Substances (PACSs) (given public notice on March 30, 2018 and April 2, 2018)
    - Chemical Substances exempt from notification of manufacturing/import amount (given public notice on March 30, 2018)
    - Combination of MITI number and CASRN

    March 20, 2018
    - Combination of MITI number and CASRN
    - Sum of the quantity of manufacture and import (2016FY Class II Specified Chemical Substances)

    January 15, 2018
    - Judgment result of existing chemical substance (Biodegradation)
    - Link to Toxicity Testing Reports (Japan Existing Chemical Database (JECDB))

    November 28, 2017
    - Combination of MITI number and CASRN

    October 3, 201
    - Judgement results of Newly Announced Chemical Substances (given public notice on July 31, 2017)
    - Results of screening assessment
    - Combination of MITI number and CASRN

    July 31, 2017
    - Newly announced chemical substances (given public notice on July 31, 2017)
    - Results of screening assessment
    - Combination of MITI number and CASRN 
    - Results of the existing chemicals survey program (Biodegradation, Bioaccumulation, and Partition coefficient)

    June 6, 2017
    - Judgment results and test results of existing chemical substances which are transformation products of new chemical substances which public notice has been already given (given public notice on April 4, 2017)
    - Combination of MITI number and CASRN 
    - Expansion of Bioaccumulation Test Data
    - Modification of chemical substance name

    April 18, 2017
    - Priority Assessment Chemical Substances (PACSs) (given public notice on March 30, 2017 and April 3, 2017)
    - Chemical Substances exempt from notification of manufacturing/import amount (given public notice on March 30, 2017)
    - Combination of MITI number and CASRN 
    - Sum of the quantity of manufacture and import (2015FY Monitoring Chemical Substances, Priority Assessment Chemical Substances (PACSs), General Substances)
    - Modification of chemical substance name (public notice on March 31, 2017)

    March 21, 2017
    - Combination of MITI number and CASRN 
    - Sum of the quantity of manufacture and import (2015FY Class II Specified Chemical Substances)
    - Expansion of Test Data (Bioaccumulation and Eco-toxicity) 

    January 24, 2017
    - Status of Risk Assessment Phase 1-I of PACSs (published on December 27, 2016)
    - Combination of MITI number and CASRN
    - Expansion of Test Data (Bioaccumulation)

    November 29, 2016
    - Expansion of Test Data (Bioaccumulation)

    October 4, 2016
    - Judgment results of new chemical substances, the names of which have been given by the public notice pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (4) of Article 4 (published on September 7, 2016) 
    - Combination of MITI number and CASRN
    - Designated Products under CSCL
    - Chemical substance name

    August 30, 2016
    - Correction of some loss data of existing chemicals

    July 29, 2016
    - Newly announced chemical substances (given public notice on July 29, 2016)
    - Combination of MITI number and CASRN
    - Chemical substance name
    - Expansion of Test Data (Bioaccumulation)

    May 31, 2016
    - Test Data (Biodegradation, Bioaccumulation, Partition coefficient)

    April 25, 2016
    - Class I Specified Chemical Substances (enforced on April 1, 2016)
    - Priority Assessment Chemical Substances (PACSs) (given public notice on April 1, 2016)
    - Chemicals designated pursuant to the provision of item (iii) of paragraph (1) of Article 8 (given public notice on March 24, 2016)
    - Sum of the quantity of manufacture and import (2014FY Class II Specified Chemical Substances, Monitoring Chemical Substances, Priority Assessment Chemical Substances (PACSs), General Substances)
    - Combination of MITI number and CASRN
    - Link to Toxicity Testing Reports (Japan Existing Chemical Database (JECDB))
    - Chemicals not regarded as a new chemical substance in "Implementation of the Act on the Evaluation of Chemical Substances and Regulation of Their Manufacture, etc."

    April 4, 2016
    - The list of chemical substances for which the designation for Priority Assessment Chemical Substances has been cancelled is added.
    - Remarks column are added to the tables of Screening Info.
    - Tables for chemicals not regarded as a new chemical substance in "Implementation of the Act on the Evaluation of Chemical Substances and Regulation of Their Manufacture, etc." are modified.

    February 9, 2016
    - Revision of the judgment results of new chemical substances published on October 14, 2015, the names of which have been given by the public notice pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (4) of Article 4 (published on January 5, 2016)
    - Test reports and test data
    - Combination of MITI number and CASRN

    December 17, 2015
    - Judgment results of new chemical substances, the names of which have been given by the public notice pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (4) of Article 4 (published on October 14, 2015)
    - Combination of MITI number and CASRN
    - Chemical substance name

    October 13, 2015
    - Published information
    - Test data
    - Implementation of the Act on the Evaluation of Chemical Substances and Regulation of Their Manufacture, etc.
    - Chemical substance name

    July 31, 2015
    - Newly announced chemical substances (given public notice on July 30, 2015)
    - Eco-toxicity data (published in March. 2015)

    June 4, 2015
    - Sum of the quantity of manufacture and import (2013FY General chemical substance)
    - Chemical substance name

    April 7, 2015
    - Priority Assessment Chemical Substances (PACSs) (given public notice on March 26, 2015 and April 1, 2015)
    - Chemicals designated pursuant to the provision of item (iii) of paragraph (1) of Article 8 (given public notice on March 26, 2015)
    - Sum of the quantity of manufacture and import (2013FY Monitoring Chemical Substances, Priority Assessment Chemical Substances (PACSs))
    - Test reports
    - Link to Toxicity Testing Reports (Japan Existing Chemical Database (JECDB))
    - Combination of MITI number and CASRN

    March 18, 2015
    - Test results of new chemical substances and existing chemical substances which were transformation products of the new chemical substances 
      used for accumulation judgment
    - Published information
    - Test data
    - Test reports
    - Combination of MITI number and CASRN

    February 9, 2015- Published information
    - Sum of the quantity of manufacture and import (2013FY Class II specified chemical substance)
    - Test data
    - Test reports

    December 17, 2014
    - Test results of new chemical substances judged from 2004 to 2007 FY and existing chemical substances which were transformation products of the new chemical substances 
      used for accumulation judgment (published on September 10, 2014)
    - Judgment results of new chemical substances, the names of which have been given by the public notice pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (4) of Article 4 (published on November 6, 2014)
    - Judgment results of existing chemical substances which are transformation products of new chemical substances which public notice has been already given as (published on November 6, 2014)
    - Information of Priority Assessment Chemical Substance
    - Test data

    October 1, 2014
    - Priority Assessment Chemical Substances (PACSs) (given public notice on October 1, 2014)- Action based on result of risk assessment (Phase 1-I) (published on July 31, 2014)
    - Judgment results of new chemical substances, the names of which have been given by the public notice
      pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (4) of Article 4 (published on July 31, 20141) 
    - Judgment results of existing chemical substances which are transformation products of new chemical substances 
      which public notice has been already given as (published on July 31, 2014)
    - Test data
    - Test reports

    July 31, 2014
    - Newly announced chemical substances (given public notice on July 31, 2014)
    - Results of screening assessment (published in 2013 FY) 
    - Test data
    - Test reports (Toxicity test) etc.

    May 13, 2014
    - Class I specified chemical substance (enforced on May 1, 2014)
    - Monitoring Chemical Substances (given public notice on May 1, 2014)
    - Priority Assessment Chemical Substances (PACSs) (given public notice on April 1, 2014)
    - Sum of the quantity of manufacture and import (2012FY)
    - Judgment result (property of bioaccumulation) of existing chemical substances which are transformation products of new chemical
      substances which public notice has been already given as
    - Combination of MITI number and CASRN
    - Link to Toxicity Testing Reports (Japan Existing Chemical Database (JECDB))
    - Link to NITE Toxicity Test Results (CHRIP)

    March 25, 2014
    - Chemicals designated pursuant to the provision of item (iii) of paragraph (1) of Article 8 (given public notice on March 24, 2014)
    - Published information (Property of biodegradation and bioaccumulation)
    - Test Data (Biodegradation, Bioaccumulation, Partition coefficient)
    - Combination of MITI number and CASRN
    - Not regarded as a new chemical substance in "Implementation of the Act on the Evaluation of Chemical Substances and Regulation of 
    Their Manufacture, etc."

    February 13, 2014
    - Judgment result (property of biodegradation and bioaccumulation) of new chemical substances (given public notice on July 31, 2013)
    - Judgment result (property of bioaccumulation) of existing chemical substances which are transformation products of new chemical
      substances which public notice has been already given as
    - Biodegradability of substances, the biodegradability of which had not been judged (comparison with biodegradability of analogues)
    - Combination of MITI number and CASRN
    - Eco-toxicity data

    December 20, 2013
    - Priority Assessment Chemical Substances (PACSs) (given public notice on December 20, 2013)
    - Terms used in J-CHECK

    October 29, 2013
    - Combination of MITI number and CASRN

    August 27, 2013
    - Action based on result of risk assessment (Phase 1-I)

    July 31, 2013
    - Newly announced chemical substances (given public notice on July 31, 2013)
    (The names of chemical substances are available in Japanese.)

    June 4, 2013
    - The published information of the existing chemicals survey program 
      (Official Bulletin of Ministry of International Trade and Industry, Official Bulletin of Economy, Trade and Industry)
    - The result of the existing chemicals survey program (Biodegradation, Bioaccumulation, and Partition coefficient)
    - Japan HPV Challenge Program (International Status of Collection)
    - Designated Products under CSCL
    - Link to Toxicity Testing Reports (Japan Existing Chemical Database (JECDB))

    April 8, 2013
    J-CHECK has been renewed as a Japanese - English integrated system. (April 8, 2013)