J-CHECK is a database developed to provide the information regarding "Act on the Evaluation of Chemical Substances and Regulation of
Their Manufacture, etc. "(commonly known as "CSCL") by the authorities of the law, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, Ministry of Economy, Trade and
Industry, and Ministry of the Environment.
J-CHECK provides the information regarding CSCL, such as the list of CSCL, chemical safety information obtained in the existing chemicals
survey program, risk assessment, etc. in cooperation with eChemPortal by OECD.
J-CHECK User's Manual (March 19, 2021 Ver.2.2)
Reference materials on combinations of CAS Registry Numbers and MITI Numbers
Video version of Operation Manual(March 26, 2021) ← (Japanese only)
What's New
The following data have been updated. (January 10, 2025)
- Class I Specified Chemical Substances (come into effect on January 10, 2025)
- Combinations of MITI number and CAS RN
For the detailed information on chemical substances that have been added, revised, or deleted, please refer to the following list.
Aiming to keep the content of this site accurate and up to date, NITE makes no warranties or representations regarding the quality, accuracy,
completeness or reliability of information on the site.
NITE shall not be responsible for the accuracy, reliability or currency of any information on this site nor for any claims, damages or
losses resulting from their use.
NITE reserves the right, at our discretion, to change, modify, add to, or remove portions of information on this site at any time without notice.
The accuracy and linkage of association between CASRN and MITI number is not reviewed nor confirmed.
Please take note that Chemical Substance Names are translated by NITE and confirm from Original Chemical Names(in Japanese) for yourself.
System requirements
Operating Systems:
-Windows 10
Web Browser:
-Microsoft Edge
Contact us
Chemical Information Infrastucture Division, Chemical Management Center, NITE
2-49-10, Nishihara, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 151-0066, Japan
Tex. +81-3-3481-1999 Fax. +81-3-3481-2900
Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare
TEL:+81-3-5253-1111(pilot number)
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
TEL:+81-3-3501-0605(direct line)
Ministry of the Environment
Chemicals Evaluation Office, Environmental Health Department
Contact us
Use of information on this site, please take into consideration "A Concept Regarding the Use of Information Obtained through
the Existing Chemicals Survey Program Conducted by the Japanese Government".
"Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare", "Ministry of the Environment" and
"National Institute of Technology and Evaluation". All Rights Reserved.