Substance Data

Chemical Substances Information

CAS RN MITI Number Chemical Substance Name Chemical Structure
95-49-8 3-39 o-Chlorotoluene

Regulatory Classification

Regulatory Classification Cabinet Order No./Registration No. Chemical Substance Name date Remarks
Existing chemical substances  Chlorotoluene     
Type III Monitoring Chemical Substances (before amendment in FY 2009)  20  o-Chlorotoluene  2006/07/18   

Screening Info

Publication year Human health effect Ecological effect Detailed assessment by experts Remarks
Exposure Class Hazard Class Priority Exposure Class Hazard Class Priority
2022 Out of classification - - Out of classification - - Assessment has been conducted by the CAS RN.
2020 Out of classification - - Out of classification - - Assessment has been conducted by the CAS RN.
2019 Out of classification - - Out of classification - - Assessment has been conducted by the serial number of Type III Monitoring Chemical Substance (before amendment).
2018 Out of classification - - Out of classification - - Assessment has been conducted by the serial number of Type III Monitoring Chemical Substance (before amendment).
2017 Out of classification - - Out of classification - - Assessment has been conducted by the serial number of Type III Monitoring Chemical Substance (before amendment).
2016 5 - - Out of classification - - Assessment has been conducted by the serial number of Type III Monitoring Chemical Substance (before amendment).
2015 5 - - Out of classification - - Assessment has been conducted by the serial number of Type III Monitoring Chemical Substance (before amendment).
2014 5 - - Out of classification - - Assessment has been conducted by the serial number of Type III Monitoring Chemical Substance (before amendment).
2013 5 - - Out of classification - - Assessment has been conducted by the serial number of Type III Monitoring Chemical Substance (before amendment).
2012 5 - - Out of classification - - Assessment has been conducted by the serial number of Type III Monitoring Chemical Substance (before amendment).
2010 - - - Out of classification - Out of classification Assessment has been conducted by the serial number of Type III Monitoring Chemical Substance (before amendment).


Other information

The list of high priority chemicals

CAS RN Chemical Substance Name(Reference) International Status of Collection Plan and report of sponsors Remarks
95-49-8 2-chlorotoluene OECD HPV Program Assessed

Published information

publication source publication date Chemical Substance Name Published Result Judgement Remarks
Official Bulletin of Ministry of International Trade and Industry 1979/12/20 o-chlorotoluene Chemical substance determinated to be non or not highly bioaccumulative

Test data    If you need test report(s)(Japanese only), please visit J-CHECK Japanese site.


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