Consumer Product Safety

Press release 2009.11.26 [Prevention of “low temperature burn injuries”]


Prevention of “low temperature burn injuries”

National Institute of Technology and Evaluation
Product Safety Technology Center
November 26, 2009

The National Institute of Technology and Evaluation (NITE) held a press briefing on “low temperature burn injuries”.

1. Press release

Release date:
November 26, 2009
Prevention of “low temperature burn injuries”
Product Safety Technology Center
Among the product accident information reported to NITE, there were 77 “low temperature burn injuries” issues (*1) between April 1996 and October 2009 (*2). There had been 22 issues in 4 years from FY2004 to FY2007, however, there was a sudden increase in FY2008 as 30 issues occurred just in 1 year (16 issues were from November to March), and 16 issues among them were serious product accidents. Accidents of “low temperature burn injuries” are likely to occur in winter with products of which are used by putting on body for long time such as hot-water bottles, electric heating pads, electric blankets, disposable body warmers and so on. “Low temperature burn injury” has a characteristic of developing if touching the skin for long time even with the temperature feel warm and comfortable. With the onset of a winter season, it’s prospected that “low temperature burn injuries” may happen a lot in this FY as well. Because accidents of “low temperature burn injuries” are not well known at home, NITE decided to conduct a promotion of consumers’ awareness to prevent “low temperature burn injury” accidents.
  1. *1: Even the temperature is relatively low (44 to 50 centigrade), touching the same place of skin for overtime may necrotize human muscles and etc and develop “low temperature burn injury”. Generally, it’s said that the symptoms may develop more than 3 to 4 hours touching with 44 centigrade, 30 minutes to 1 hour with 46 centigrade, and 2 to 3 minutes with 50 centigrade, however, it depends on the physical condition at that time.
  2. *2: Duplicated and/or non-target information are excluded from the number of issues as of October 31st, 2009.
Press briefing paper in Japanese
Reference: Approaches in the SG mark system against low temperature injuries due to hot-water bottles.

For more information;
National Institute of Technology and Evaluation (NITE)
Product Safety Technology Center, Product Safety Investigation Division

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