Chemical Management

GHS Mixture Classification System (METI’s Installed version) Archive Page

Japanese ⇔ English

This page has an archive of The GHS Mixture Classification System (METI’s Installed version) developed by The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan ("METI in Japan").

What’s the GHS Mixture Classification System (METI’s Installed version)

The METI in Japan has developed a new GHS classification system (METI’s Installed version) to promote more widespread adoption of the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS) and to assist businesses as they work to classify and label products under the GHS. This system is based on the 6th revised edition of the UN GHS Purple book and JIS Z 7252:2019. Through the System, users can classify the mixture (products) and prepare GHS labeling elements in line with the results of classification. Basically, the System doesn’t classify Physical hazards automatically. Users have to enter the physical hazards. For the Health hazards and the Environmental hazards, the System provides classification.

Although METI’s Installed version needs installation to the individual devices and regular updates, in 2020 NITE launched a new version of the GHS mixture classification system (NITE-Gmiccs) with improved convenience. With NITE-Gmiccs, if having a network environment, anyone, anywhere can easily and automatically perform GHS classification of mixtures. In addition, NITE-Gmiccs always contains the latest GHS Classification Result by the Japanese Government as basic data, so users do not need to update the data. In accordance with the publication of NITE-Gmiccs, METI announced that it would terminate support of METI’s installed version at the end of 2021. Please utilize NITE-Gmiccs at your convenience.

*JIS Z 7252: 2019 which is Japanese Industrial Standard showing the Japanese principle for global harmonization, to allow GHS classification to be carried out correctly and effectively in Japan.

*The update of METI’s Installed version will not be conducted with revision of GHS and JIS in the future.

*NITE-Gmiccs also doesn’t classify Physical hazards automatically. Users have to enter the physical hazards by yourselves.

The GHS Mixture Classification System (METI’s Installed version) Archive


The system is provided by METI in Japan “As is”. METI in Japan and NITE make no warranty concerning the data packaged with the system or the results obtained by its use. METI in Japan and NITE do not assume any liability for infringement of rights of third parties by the use of data included in the system. METI in Japan and NITE do not have any obligation (whatsoever) including, but not limited to maintaining and repairing the system. Furthermore, METI in Japan and NITE are not liable for any damage sustained in connection with results obtained from the system or its use. Use the results obtained from the system at all user’s own risk.

Software Downloads

Please refer to "The GHS Mixture Classification System Install Manual" when downloading and using the system.

* The Full Package Edition provides the installer and all required components of the system. When using Windows 8, 8.1 or 10, an Internet connection is needed.

* The Downloadable Edition provides the installer of the system, and since some components required by the system must be downloaded and installed, an internet environment is required.

Related Documents of METI's Installed version

Contact us

Chemical Information Infrastructure Division,
Chemical Management Center, National Institute of Technology and Evaluation
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Address:2-49-10 Nishihara, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, 151-0066, Japan MAP
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