Chemical Management

GHS Classification Methods

Japanese ⇔ English

This page provides guidance, reference documents, etc. for GHS classification.

References documents for GHS classification

Japanese Industrial Standards JIS Z 7252 (Classification of chemicals based on "Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS)")

The Japanese Industrial Standard (JIS) related to the GHS was issued based on UN GHS to clarify the criteria for GHS classification in Japan. The JIS selectively adopted part of the contents of UN GHS considering the circumstances of laws and rules, etc. in Japan (building block approach). If the classification method in Japan is not clear, it's recommended to refer to JIS first.

Regarding GHS, there are the following two JIS. The classification is summarized in JIS Z 7252.

NOTE: The expiration date of the old JIS is 3 years from the issuance of the new JIS (revised version in 2019). The contents of the new JIS must be reflected to SDS/Labels by May 24, 2022.

If you need more information about JIS, please contact the following office;

Japanese Standards Association (JSA)
Phone: +81-3-4231-8550
FAX: +81-3-4231-8650

GHS Classification Guidance for the Japanese Government

The GHS Inter ministerial Committee created the " GHS Classification Guidance for the Japanese Government" by integrating “GHS classification manuals” and “Technical Guidance on GHS Classification” prepared on GHS classification project in FY 2006.

The GHS classification guidance for the Japanese government is the guidance to conduct the GHS classification of the target substances by the ministries and agencies concerned effective and consistent in the GHS classification projects by the Japanese government. It describes more detailed classification methods and information sources of data, etc. to be collected according to JIS Z 7252 so that GHS classification by the ministries and agencies concerned are based on the same criteria.

GHS classification guidance for enterprises

The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) released the “GHS classification guidance for enterprises,” which is a guide for enterprises to perform GHS classification accurately and efficiently by using JIS Z 7252.

This guidance is based on the " GHS Classification Guidance for the Japanese Government" and is a practical guide including GHS classification procedures for mixtures. It should be noted that to achieve a more reliable classification, a detailed investigation is required (checking original scientific papers, collection of new findings, hearing the views of experts, etc.).

Tools related to GHS classification

GHS Mixture Classification and Labels Creation System (NITE-Gmiccs)

The Web tool "GHS Mixture Classification and Labelling Creation System (NITE-Gmiccs)" has been released by NITE for the purpose of supporting the implementation of GHS classification of mixtures and the creation of GHS labels by businesses. With this tool, if having a network environment, anyone, anywhere can easily and automatically perform GHS classification of mixtures.

GHS Mixture Classification System (METI’s Installed version) *The support has been no longer available

The METI in Japan has developed a GHS classification system (METI’s Installed version) in 2013 to promote more widespread adoption of the GHS and to assist businesses as they work to classify and label products under the GHS. In 2020 NITE launched a new version of the GHS mixture classification system (NITE-Gmiccs) with improved convenience. In accordance with the publication of NITE-Gmiccs, support of the METI's installed version ended at the end of 2021. NITE has an archive page of METI’s Installed version below.

Contact us

Chemical Information Infrastructure Division,
Chemical Management Center, National Institute of Technology and Evaluation
Phone number:+81-3-3481-1999
Fax number:+81-3-3481-2900
Address:2-49-10 Nishihara, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, 151-0066, Japan MAP
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