Risk Assessment using GHS Classification Results
Risk assessment for occupational health and safety
Risk assessment tools for occupational health and safety are available.
Control Banding
Control Banding is a simple risk assessment method which developed by the ILO (International Labor Organization) to protect workers' health from harmful chemicals. The hazard categories based on GHS are used for risk assessment.
The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW) developed and released the web system so that Control Banding can be easily utilized in Japan.
- Control Banding (MHLW version)
- Control Banding (MHLW version) (For work of handling liquid or powder)
- Control Banding (MHLW version) (For work that generates mineral dust, metal dust, etc.)
CREATE-SIMPLE(Chemical Risk Easy Assessment Tool, Edited for Service Industry and Multiple workplaces) is a simple risk assessment tool for chemical handling tasks. This tool compares the exposure limit value (or the control target concentration based on GHS classification information) with the exposure concentration estimated from the handling conditions of chemical substances.
The tools and manuals for using CREATE-SIMPLE are available on the website of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.
ECETOC-TRA (The European Centre for Ecotoxicology and Toxicology of Chemicals - Targeted Risk Assessment tool) is a quantitative tool calculates the risk of exposure from chemicals to workers, consumers and the environment. It is developed to support the registration of chemicals under EU REACH regulations. Highly accurate risk assessment is possible by user’s entering detailed working environment information and conditions.
- Worker Risk Assessment Manual Using ECETOC-TRA (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW))
Contact us
- Chemical Information Infrastructure Division,
Chemical Management Center, National Institute of Technology and Evaluation - Phone number:+81-3-3481-1999
Fax number:+81-3-3481-2900
Address:2-49-10 Nishihara, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, 151-0066, Japan MAP
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